domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Top chef

One of my favourite TV programms is Top chef. In it, compite about 15 people from differents parts of a country. The contestants have to cook a dish with some compulsory ingredients and with these ingredients thay have to create an original, dilicious and tasty dish. After that the judges judge the dishes . When they do it the contestants go to other room so they don't hear what what the judges say. Later, the contestants go to de room where the judges are. The judges says who is the winner . In the firts spanish edition of top chef won Begoña. She was born in Valéncia. I think she is a great cooker.

Lifestyle report

I think I have quite a healthy diet. I don't eat too many vegetables because they are horrible. I don't eat a lot of junk food,sweets or pizza either but I probably drink too many refreshments. I don't like eating Chinese food.
At school, we have two PE lessons every week . We usually run but sometimes, we play volleyball or football. In my free time I don't do sports but in the summer I go cycling every weekend to Alcanar to Peñiscola.
I'd love to try skydiving, water skiing or surfing.
During the week, I don't get much exercise apart from de PE lessons.
I usually get the motorbike to go to school but sometimes I go on foot to school.