domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

A terrible nightmare

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I went to the swimming pool to have a sunbathe. The sun was shining in the shy.
I lay down the hammock and I dreamt that I was in a desert island of the Caribean sea.. In the beach of the island there weren't people.
The sea was quiet, but the sky, was completely grey. Five minutes later, started to rain and hail. I hid where I could but I couldn't do anything because the island disappears.
It was a terrible dream.

sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014

The Hunger games

Anti-heroes. Deluxe edition

Six months ago, I went to the shopping centre to buy the new edition of Anti-héroes. In this edition there are a CD, a DVD and a small notebook.
In the CD there are all the songs of the boyband. My favourite songs are breathe your fire, love taxi, route 66(up we go!) and viral.
In the DVD there are some videoclips of the songs and the CCME concert in Madrid.
The small notebook is in blank, but, in the begining there are some photographies of the boysand there are several texts written and signed by them. My favourite text is the text wrote by Blas Cantó.

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

What would you do if you won €2000000?

If I won €2000000, it would be all my dreams come true. First of all, I'd buy a big house next to the sea and other in the mountain. I would like to have the houses in Miami and Lado di como.
Next, I'd travel around the worldwith some friends. I also buy clothes, jewellery and other things.
I wouldn't spend all my money for myself. Althought my parents have a car, I'd buy a new car and a privatr helicopter. I'd also buy a violin for my cousin because she's very interested and a new motorbike. Finally, I'd give some money to the poor people.

Pictures of Salvador Dalí

Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domenech best known as Salvador Dalí, was a Spanish designer, writer, filmaker, painter and sculptor.
One of his most famous pictures is La persistencia de la memoria.
La persistencia de la memoria best known like Los relojes blandos  was painted in 1931.
In the picture appears the bay of Port Lligat in the dawn.
The landscape is simple; it appears the seain the front and a mountain on the right. There are three deformed watches. These watches appear in other pictures of the painter.

Writing a letter

Thank you for the letter. You asked me about a film I like.
I'm going to tell you about a short that I have seen this morning in class. The short is called "Cuerdas".
It's about Maria, a young girl. Every day, she goes to the school with her friends, but, one day, she meets a new boy. The boy is a disabled person. All the world, sees him like a strange boy, so, every day, he was lonely in the school.
One day, Maria started to talk with the boy. They become really best friends so Maria gave the boy the same rope that she wore.
The next day, Maria realised that the boy died, therefore, she was sad.
My favourite part of the shortwas the end because Maria became teacher and she wore the same rope that she gave to the boy.
Write soon!

Hi Sam,
I'm writing to you because I've seen a new padle class for all the people.
I think that if we like this sport, we can go to practise it.
The classes start the next week on Saturday in the morning from half past nine to twelve o'clock.
Do you fancy to go this Friday to see the first demostration?
See you soon

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Application letter

                                                                                                               8 School Street
                                                                                                               Oxford OC3 5FA
                                                                                                               Direct Dial: 0001111222
                                                                                                               Fax: 33344455564
                                                                                                               Date: 15-02-2014

Sandy Smith
The Leisure Centre
Oxford Road
Cambridge CB23 5EG

Dear Madam Smith
Re: Summer Swim School
I am writing for the Junior Swim School Assistant advertised in the Times Union. I am enclosing my CV and a recent photograph.
I am fifteen years old and I am attending at Consolation School. My teachers and friends report that I am hardworking, attentive and sympathetic. I am captain of the high school swim team. I am confident that I could be an ideal Junior Swim School Assistant.
Six months ago, I worked in a Summer School. I was responsible for looking after the children and helping them to swim and doing some administrative working.
I am currently completing fourth ESO exams. I will be available for interview from 28 June and I’ll be able to start working the next day.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,



Application letter

                                                                                                               8 School Street
                                                                                                               Oxford OC3 5FA
                                                                                                               Direct Dial: 0001111222
                                                                                                               Fax: 33344455564
                                                                                                               Date: 15-02-2014

12 High Street
Witney OX29 6HS

Dear Sir or Madam
Re: Saturday staff needed
I am writing for the Saturday Staff advertised in the Musicneed website. I am enclosing my CV and a recent photograph.
I am fifteen years old and I am attending at Consolation School. My teachers and friends report that I am hardworking, sympathetic, outgoing and polite, so I believe I am an ideal person to work in this job.
Two months ago, I worked in a music shop during one month but now I haven’t got any job because I am preparing for the final fourth ESO exams. I will be available for interview from 23 June after my exams and I’ll be available to start working the same day.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014


Hi Ben,
I hope you are well how are things with you?
Sorry but I haven't written for ages because I have a lot of exams and extracurricukar activities to do. I have been very busy.
Now, I only have to do two exams. I think they are very easy!
That's all about me. Do you remember Sara? Well, she's gone to New York to study there and to practise English-she thinks she's bad in English. Mary and Sam continue together but two weeks ago they had an argument and one week ago they made up.
What have you been doing? Are you enjoying living in Germany? Are you coming to Spain this summer? I hope to see ypu soon.
That's all my new for now.
Anyway, say hi to Emily and Jack and write soon with your news.
Love, Laura.

A letter replying Marco

Dear Marco,
Thanks for your e-mail. I hope you are well. How are things with you?
Now, I'm doing an English course to learn more English. I'm going four days a week and I have got two teachers: a british teacher for Mondays and Wednesdays an other american teacher for Tuesdays and
Thursdays. I think there are nice.
Two summers ago I went to Canada to do a course of English. I really enjoy it because a I met a lot of new people of my country and from Germany.
That's all my news for now
Write soon with your news and say hi to Anthony and Marta.

Writing an e-mail

Hi Jack,
Do you want to go shopping this weekend?
I'd like to get some clothes, shoes and maybe some CDs and thw new DVD of a comedy film.You could come round here at about half past five and we could get on a taxi or the bus into the town.
I hope you can come this weekend to go shopping!


One evening Lisa and Mark met at the friend's party. Mark started to chat Lisa up and they gave their phone numbers to each other.
The following day, they started to talk by phone until Mark asked Lisa out. They went out for six months and they fell in love for a long time, but one day they had an argument. Two days later, they made up and they got on again. The following year he got engaged to Lisa and six months ago they got married. Now they live in a big house and they have got two children called Cristine and Marie.

domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Top chef

One of my favourite TV programms is Top chef. In it, compite about 15 people from differents parts of a country. The contestants have to cook a dish with some compulsory ingredients and with these ingredients thay have to create an original, dilicious and tasty dish. After that the judges judge the dishes . When they do it the contestants go to other room so they don't hear what what the judges say. Later, the contestants go to de room where the judges are. The judges says who is the winner . In the firts spanish edition of top chef won Begoña. She was born in Valéncia. I think she is a great cooker.

Lifestyle report

I think I have quite a healthy diet. I don't eat too many vegetables because they are horrible. I don't eat a lot of junk food,sweets or pizza either but I probably drink too many refreshments. I don't like eating Chinese food.
At school, we have two PE lessons every week . We usually run but sometimes, we play volleyball or football. In my free time I don't do sports but in the summer I go cycling every weekend to Alcanar to Peñiscola.
I'd love to try skydiving, water skiing or surfing.
During the week, I don't get much exercise apart from de PE lessons.
I usually get the motorbike to go to school but sometimes I go on foot to school.