martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

My Me-Time profile

My name is Laura. I'm fourteen years old. I live in Vinaros,  with my parents. I have two dogs. Their names are Ghia and Bonni. They are bichón maltés, They are small and beautiful.
I'm studying at Consolation school. I'm in 3rd of ESO.
My favourite subjects are ICT, biology and English. I'm not very keen on geography, phisical education and maths. At the university, I want to study biology or science. I don't want to study design or maths.
In my free time, I'm really into seeing films, watching TV or chatting with my friends.
I like doing sport and cooking cakes. I often go cycling but I prefer go shopping or doing craft.
My other hobby is drawing. In my free time, I usually drawing .

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Laura!

    Please, re-read the writing you made in class this morning and my corrections. Then, have a look at this post and edit it, as you have some mistakes here that you didn't do in your hand-made writing ;)
